

An XSS issue was discovered in Inhaltsprojekte in Weblication CMS Core & Grid v12.6.24. The vulnerability is located in the `wFilemanager.php` and `index.php` files of the `/grid5/scripts/` modules. The injection point is located in the Project `Title` and the execution point occurs in the `Inhaltsprojekte` output listing section. Remote attackers with privileged user accounts are able to inject their own malicious script code with a persistent attack vector to compromise user session credentials or to manipulate the affected web-application module output context. The request method to inject is POST.

Source: CVE-2018-13002



An XSS issue was discovered in Sandoba CP:Shop v2016.1. The vulnerability is located in the `admin.php` file of the `./cpshop/` module. Remote attackers are able to inject their own script codes to the client-side requested vulnerable web-application parameters. The attack vector of the vulnerability is non-persistent and the request method to inject/execute is GET with the path, search, rename, or dir parameter.

Source: CVE-2018-13001



An XSS issue was discovered in Advanced Electron Forum (AEF) v1.0.9. A persistent XSS vulnerability is located in the `FTP Link` element of the `Private Message` module. The editor of the private message module allows inserting links without sanitizing the content. This allows remote attackers to inject malicious script code payloads as a private message (aka pmbody). The injection point is the editor ftp link element and the execution point occurs in the message body context on arrival. The request method to inject is POST with restricted user privileges.

Source: CVE-2018-13000