

The Oppo F5 Android device with a build fingerprint of OPPO/CPH1723/CPH1723:7.1.1/N6F26Q/1513597833:user/release-keys contains a pre-installed platform app with a package name of com.dropboxchmod (versionCode=1, versionName=1.0) that contains an exported service named com.dropboxchmod.DropboxChmodService that allows any app co-located on the device to supply arbitrary commands to be executed as the system user. This app cannot be disabled by the user and the attack can be performed by a zero-permission app. Executing commands as system user can allow a third-party app to video record the user’s screen, factory reset the device, obtain the user’s notifications, read the logcat logs, inject events in the Graphical User Interface (GUI), and obtains the user’s text messages, and more. This vulnerability can also be used to secretly record audio of the user without their awareness on the Oppo F5 device. The pre-installed com.oppo.engineermode app (versionCode=25, versionName=V1.01) has an exported activity that can be started to initiate a recording and quickly dismissed. The activity can be started in a way that the user will not be able to see the app in the recent apps list. The resulting audio amr file can be copied from a location on internal storage using the arbitrary command execution as system user vulnerability. Executing commands as system user can allow a third-party app to factory reset the device, obtain the user’s notifications, read the logcat logs, inject events in the Graphical User Interface (GUI), change the default Input Method Editor (IME) (e.g., keyboard) with one contained within the attacking app that contains keylogging functionality, obtain the user’s text messages, and more.

Source: CVE-2018-14996



The Vivo V7 Android device with a build fingerprint of vivo/1718/1718:7.1.2/N2G47H/compil11021857:user/release-keys contains a platform app with a package name of (versionCode=1, versionName=3.0.0). This app contains an exported service named that will record the screen for 60 minutes and write the mp4 file to a location of the user’s choosing. Normally, a recording notification will be visible to the user, but we discovered an approach to make it mostly transparent to the user by quickly removing a notification and floating icon. The user can see a floating icon and notification appear and disappear quickly due to quickly stopping and restarting the service with different parameters that do not interfere with the ongoing screen recording. The screen recording lasts for 60 minutes and can be written directly to the attacking app’s private directory.

Source: CVE-2018-15000



The Essential Phone Android device with a build fingerprint of essential/mata/mata:8.1.0/OPM1.180104.166/297:user/release-keys contains a pre-installed platform app with a package name of (versionName=1.0, platformBuildVersionName=8.1.0) that contains an exported activity app component named that allows any app co-located on the device to programmatically initiate a factory reset. In addition, the app initiating the factory reset does not require any permissions. A factory reset will remove all user data and apps from the device. This will result in the loss of any data that have not been backed up or synced externally. The capability to perform a factory reset is not directly available to third-party apps (those that the user installs themselves with the exception of enabled Mobile Device Management (MDM) apps), although this capability can be obtained by leveraging an unprotected app component of a pre-installed platform app.

Source: CVE-2018-14994



The Coolpad Defiant (Coolpad/cp3632a/cp3632a:7.1.1/NMF26F/099480857:user/release-keys) and the T-Mobile Revvl Plus (Coolpad/alchemy/alchemy:7.1.1/143.14.171129.3701A-TMO/buildf_nj_02-206:user/release-keys) Android devices contain a pre-installed platform app with a package name of com.qualcomm.qti.telephony.extcarrierpack (versionCode=25, versionName=7.1.1) containing an exported broadcast receiver app component named com.qualcomm.qti.telephony.extcarrierpack.UiccReceiver that allows any app co-located on the device to programmatically perform a factory reset. In addition, the app initiating the factory reset does not require any permissions. A factory reset will remove all user data and apps from the device. This will result in the loss of any data that have not been backed up or synced externally. The capability to perform a factory reset is not directly available to third-party apps (those that the user installs themselves with the exception of enabled Mobile Device Management (MDM) apps), although this capability can be obtained by leveraging an unprotected app component of a pre-installed platform app.

Source: CVE-2018-15003



The Leagoo P1 Android device with a build fingerprint of sp7731c_1h10_32v4_bird:6.0/MRA58K/android.20170629.214736:user/release-keys contains the android framework (i.e., system_server) with a package name of android that has been modified by Leagoo or another entity in the supply chain. The system_server process in the core Android package has an exported broadcast receiver that allows any app co-located on the device to programmatically initiate the taking of a screenshot and have the resulting screenshot be written to external storage. The taking of a screenshot is not transparent to the user; the device has a screen animation as the screenshot is taken and there is a notification indicating that a screenshot occurred. If the attacking app also requests the EXPAND_STATUS_BAR permission, it can wake the device up using certain techniques and expand the status bar to take a screenshot of the user’s notifications even if the device has an active screen lock. The notifications may contain sensitive data such as text messages used in two-factor authentication. The system_server process that provides this capability cannot be disabled, as it is part of the Android framework. The notification can be removed by a local Denial of Service (DoS) attack to reboot the device.

Source: CVE-2018-14997



The Leagoo P1 device with a build fingerprint of sp7731c_1h10_32v4_bird:6.0/MRA58K/android.20170629.214736:user/release-keys contains a pre-installed platform app with a package name of com.wtk.factory (versionCode=1, versionName=1.0) that contains an exported broadcast receiver named com.wtk.factory.MMITestReceiver allows any app co-located on the device to programmatically initiate a factory reset. In addition, the app initiating the factory reset does not require any permissions. A factory reset will remove all user data and apps from the device. This will result in the loss of any data that have not been backed up or synced externally. The capability to perform a factory reset is not directly available to third-party apps (those that the user installs themselves with the exception of enabled Mobile Device Management (MDM) apps), although this capability can be obtained by leveraging an unprotected app component of a pre-installed platform app.

Source: CVE-2018-14999



The Plum Compass Android device with a build fingerprint of PLUM/c179_hwf_221/c179_hwf_221:6.0/MRA58K/W16.51.5-22:user/release-keys contains a pre-installed platform app with a package name of (versionCode=23, versionName=6.0-eng.root.20161223.224055) that contains an exported broadcast receiver app component which allows any app co-located on the device to programmatically perform a factory reset. In addition, the app initiating the factory reset does not require any permissions. A factory reset will remove all user data and apps from the device. This will result in the loss of any data that have not been backed up or synced externally. The capability to perform a factory reset is not directly available to third-party apps (those that the user installs themselves with the exception of enabled Mobile Device Management (MDM) apps), although this capability can be obtained by leveraging an unprotected app component of a pre-installed platform app.

Source: CVE-2018-14989



The ASUS ZenFone 3 Max Android device with a build fingerprint of asus/US_Phone/ASUS_X008_1:7.0/NRD90M/US_Phone-14.14.1711.92-20171208:user/release-keys contains the android framework (i.e., system_server) with a package name of android (versionCode=24, versionName=7.0) that has been modified by ASUS or another entity in the supply chain. The system_server process in the core android package has an exported broadcast receiver that allows any app co-located on the device to programmatically initiate the taking of a screenshot and have the resulting screenshot be written to external storage (i.e., sdcard). The taking of a screenshot is not transparent to the user; the device has a screen animation as the screenshot is taken and there is a notification indicating that a screenshot occurred. If the attacking app also requests the EXPAND_STATUS_BAR permission, it can wake the device up using certain techniques and expand the status bar to take a screenshot of the user’s notifications even if the device has an active screen lock. The notifications may contain sensitive data such as text messages used in two-factor authentication. The system_server process that provides this capability cannot be disabled, as it is part of the Android framework. The notification can be removed by a local Denial of Service (DoS) attack to reboot the device.

Source: CVE-2018-14980



The Coolpad Defiant device with a build fingerprint of Coolpad/cp3632a/cp3632a:7.1.1/NMF26F/099480857:user/release-keys, the ZTE ZMAX Pro with a build fingerprint of ZTE/P895T20/urd:6.0.1/MMB29M/20170418.114928:user/release-keys, and the T-Mobile Revvl Plus with a build fingerprint of Coolpad/alchemy/alchemy:7.1.1/143.14.171129.3701A-TMO/buildf_nj_02-206:user/release-keys all contain a vulnerable, pre-installed Rich Communication Services (RCS) app. These devices contain an that app has a package name of (versionCode=1, versionName=RCS_sdk_M_native_20161008_01; versionCode=1, versionName=RCS_sdk_M_native_20170406_01) with a broadcast receiver app component named and a refactored version of the app with a package name of (versionCode=1, versionName=RCS_SDK_20170804_01) with a broadcast receiver app component named allow any app co-located on the device to programmatically send text messages where the number and body of the text message is controlled by the attacker due to an exported broadcast receiver app component. This app cannot be disabled by the user and the attack can be performed by a zero-permission app. A separate vulnerability in the app allows a zero-permission app to programmatically delete text messages, so the sent text messages can be removed to not alert the user.

Source: CVE-2018-14990