

In tensorflow-lite before versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1 and 2.3.1, if a TFLite saved model uses the same tensor as both input and output of an operator, then, depending on the operator, we can observe a segmentation fault or just memory corruption. We have patched the issue in d58c96946b and will release patch releases for all versions between 1.15 and 2.3. We recommend users to upgrade to TensorFlow 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1, or 2.3.1.

Source: CVE-2020-15210



In TensorFlow Lite before versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1 and 2.3.1, saved models in the flatbuffer format use a double indexing scheme: a model has a set of subgraphs, each subgraph has a set of operators and each operator has a set of input/output tensors. The flatbuffer format uses indices for the tensors, indexing into an array of tensors that is owned by the subgraph. This results in a pattern of double array indexing when trying to get the data of each tensor. However, some operators can have some tensors be optional. To handle this scenario, the flatbuffer model uses a negative `-1` value as index for these tensors. This results in special casing during validation at model loading time. Unfortunately, this means that the `-1` index is a valid tensor index for any operator, including those that don’t expect optional inputs and including for output tensors. Thus, this allows writing and reading from outside the bounds of heap allocated arrays, although only at a specific offset from the start of these arrays. This results in both read and write gadgets, albeit very limited in scope. The issue is patched in several commits (46d5b0852, 00302787b7, e11f5558, cd31fd0ce, 1970c21, and fff2c83), and is released in TensorFlow versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1, or 2.3.1. A potential workaround would be to add a custom `Verifier` to the model loading code to ensure that only operators which accept optional inputs use the `-1` special value and only for the tensors that they expect to be optional. Since this allow-list type approach is erro-prone, we advise upgrading to the patched code.

Source: CVE-2020-15211



In tensorflow-lite before versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1 and 2.3.1, when determining the common dimension size of two tensors, TFLite uses a `DCHECK` which is no-op outside of debug compilation modes. Since the function always returns the dimension of the first tensor, malicious attackers can craft cases where this is larger than that of the second tensor. In turn, this would result in reads/writes outside of bounds since the interpreter will wrongly assume that there is enough data in both tensors. The issue is patched in commit 8ee24e7949a203d234489f9da2c5bf45a7d5157d, and is released in TensorFlow versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1, or 2.3.1.

Source: CVE-2020-15208



In Tensorflow before versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1 and 2.3.1, the `Shard` API in TensorFlow expects the last argument to be a function taking two `int64` (i.e., `long long`) arguments. However, there are several places in TensorFlow where a lambda taking `int` or `int32` arguments is being used. In these cases, if the amount of work to be parallelized is large enough, integer truncation occurs. Depending on how the two arguments of the lambda are used, this can result in segfaults, read/write outside of heap allocated arrays, stack overflows, or data corruption. The issue is patched in commits 27b417360cbd671ef55915e4bb6bb06af8b8a832 and ca8c013b5e97b1373b3bb1c97ea655e69f31a575, and is released in TensorFlow versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1, or 2.3.1.

Source: CVE-2020-15202



In Tensorflow before version 2.3.1, the `RaggedCountSparseOutput` implementation does not validate that the input arguments form a valid ragged tensor. In particular, there is no validation that the values in the `splits` tensor generate a valid partitioning of the `values` tensor. Hence, the code is prone to heap buffer overflow. If `split_values` does not end with a value at least `num_values` then the `while` loop condition will trigger a read outside of the bounds of `split_values` once `batch_idx` grows too large. The issue is patched in commit 3cbb917b4714766030b28eba9fb41bb97ce9ee02 and is released in TensorFlow version 2.3.1.

Source: CVE-2020-15201



In Tensorflow before version 2.3.1, the `RaggedCountSparseOutput` implementation does not validate that the input arguments form a valid ragged tensor. In particular, there is no validation that the values in the `splits` tensor generate a valid partitioning of the `values` tensor. Thus, the code sets up conditions to cause a heap buffer overflow. A `BatchedMap` is equivalent to a vector where each element is a hashmap. However, if the first element of `splits_values` is not 0, `batch_idx` will never be 1, hence there will be no hashmap at index 0 in `per_batch_counts`. Trying to access that in the user code results in a segmentation fault. The issue is patched in commit 3cbb917b4714766030b28eba9fb41bb97ce9ee02 and is released in TensorFlow version 2.3.1.

Source: CVE-2020-15200



In Tensorflow before version 2.3.1, the `RaggedCountSparseOutput` does not validate that the input arguments form a valid ragged tensor. In particular, there is no validation that the `splits` tensor has the minimum required number of elements. Code uses this quantity to initialize a different data structure. Since `BatchedMap` is equivalent to a vector, it needs to have at least one element to not be `nullptr`. If user passes a `splits` tensor that is empty or has exactly one element, we get a `SIGABRT` signal raised by the operating system. The issue is patched in commit 3cbb917b4714766030b28eba9fb41bb97ce9ee02 and is released in TensorFlow version 2.3.1.

Source: CVE-2020-15199



In Tensorflow before version 2.3.1, the `SparseCountSparseOutput` implementation does not validate that the input arguments form a valid sparse tensor. In particular, there is no validation that the `indices` tensor has the same shape as the `values` one. The values in these tensors are always accessed in parallel. Thus, a shape mismatch can result in accesses outside the bounds of heap allocated buffers. The issue is patched in commit 3cbb917b4714766030b28eba9fb41bb97ce9ee02 and is released in TensorFlow version 2.3.1.

Source: CVE-2020-15198



In Tensorflow before versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1 and 2.3.1, by controlling the `fill` argument of tf.strings.as_string, a malicious attacker is able to trigger a format string vulnerability due to the way the internal format use in a `printf` call is constructed. This may result in segmentation fault. The issue is patched in commit 33be22c65d86256e6826666662e40dbdfe70ee83, and is released in TensorFlow versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1, or 2.3.1.

Source: CVE-2020-15203



In eager mode, TensorFlow before versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1 and 2.3.1 does not set the session state. Hence, calling `tf.raw_ops.GetSessionHandle` or `tf.raw_ops.GetSessionHandleV2` results in a null pointer dereference In linked snippet, in eager mode, `ctx->session_state()` returns `nullptr`. Since code immediately dereferences this, we get a segmentation fault. The issue is patched in commit 9a133d73ae4b4664d22bd1aa6d654fec13c52ee1, and is released in TensorFlow versions 1.15.4, 2.0.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.1, or 2.3.1.

Source: CVE-2020-15204