

An improper authentication vulnerability leading to information leakage was discovered in iptime NAS2dual. Remote attackers are able to steal important information in the server by exploiting vulnerabilities such as insufficient authentication when accessing the shared folder and changing user’s passwords.

Source: CVE-2021-26620



In cloud foundry CAPI versions prior to 1.122, a denial-of-service attack in which a developer can push a service broker that (accidentally or maliciously) causes CC instances to timeout and fail is possible. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to cause an inability for anyone to push or manage apps.

Source: CVE-2021-22100



An improper authorization handling flaw was found in Foreman. The OpenSCAP plugin for the smart-proxy allows foreman clients to execute actions that should be limited to the Foreman Server. This flaw allows an authenticated local attacker to access and delete limited resources and also causes a denial of service on the Foreman server. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to integrity and system availability.

Source: CVE-2021-20290



The imgcrypt library provides API exensions for containerd to support encrypted container images and implements the ctd-decoder command line tool for use by containerd to decrypt encrypted container images. The imgcrypt function `CheckAuthorization` is supposed to check whether the current used is authorized to access an encrypted image and prevent the user from running an image that another user previously decrypted on the same system. In versions prior to 1.1.4, a failure occurs when an image with a ManifestList is used and the architecture of the local host is not the first one in the ManifestList. Only the first architecture in the list was tested, which may not have its layers available locally since it could not be run on the host architecture. Therefore, the verdict on unavailable layers was that the image could be run anticipating that image run failure would occur later due to the layers not being available. However, this verdict to allow the image to run enabled other architectures in the ManifestList to run an image without providing keys if that image had previously been decrypted. A patch has been applied to imgcrypt 1.1.4. Workarounds may include usage of different namespaces for each remote user.

Source: CVE-2022-24778