

The matchmaking servers of Bandai Namco FromSoftware Dark Souls III through 2022-03-19 allow remote attackers to send arbitrary push requests to clients via a RequestSendMessageToPlayers request. For example, ability to send a push message to hundreds of thousands of machines is only restricted on the client side, and can thus be bypassed with a modified client.

Source: CVE-2022-24125



A CSRF issue in /api/crontab on iRZ Mobile Routers through 2022-03-16 allows a threat actor to create a crontab entry in the router administration panel. The cronjob will consequently execute the entry on the threat actor’s defined interval, leading to remote code execution, allowing the threat actor to gain filesystem access. In addition, if the router’s default credentials aren’t rotated or a threat actor discovers valid credentials, remote code execution can be achieved without user interaction.

Source: CVE-2022-27226