

Smart eVision’s file acquisition function has a path traversal vulnerability due to insufficient filtering for special characters in the URL parameter. An unauthenticated remote attacker can exploit this vulnerability to bypass authentication, access restricted paths to download and delete arbitrary system files to disrupt service.

Source: CVE-2022-39033



Armoury Crate Service’s logging function has insufficient validation to check if the log file is a symbolic link. A physical attacker with general user privilege can modify the log file property to a symbolic link that points to arbitrary system file, causing the logging function to overwrite the system file and disrupt the system.

Source: CVE-2022-38699



Check Point ZoneAlarm Extreme Security before allows local users to escalate privileges. This occurs because of weak permissions for the %PROGRAMDATA%CheckPointZoneAlarmDataUpdates directory, and a self-protection driver bypass that allows creation of a junction directory. This can be leveraged to perform an arbitrary file move as NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM.

Source: CVE-2022-41604