

Django-SES is a drop-in mail backend for Django. The django_ses library implements a mail backend for Django using AWS Simple Email Service. The library exports the `SESEventWebhookView class` intended to receive signed requests from AWS to handle email bounces, subscriptions, etc. These requests are signed by AWS and are verified by django_ses, however the verification of this signature was found to be flawed as it allowed users to specify arbitrary public certificates. This issue was patched in version 3.5.0.

Source: CVE-2023-33185



Craft is a CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web.The platform does not filter input and encode output in Quick Post validation error message, which can deliver an XSS payload. Old CVE fixed the XSS in label HTML but didn’t fix it when clicking save. This issue was patched in version 4.4.6.

Source: CVE-2023-33194



Highlight is an open source, full-stack monitoring platform. Highlight may record passwords on customer deployments when a password html input is switched to `type="text"` via a javascript "Show Password" button. This differs from the expected behavior which always obfuscates `type="password"` inputs. A customer may assume that switching to `type="text"` would also not record this input; hence, they would not add additional `highlight-mask` css-class obfuscation to this part of the DOM, resulting in unintentional recording of a password value when a `Show Password` button is used. This issue was patched in version 6.0.0.
This patch tracks changes to the `type` attribute of an input to ensure an input that used to be a `type="password"` continues to be obfuscated.

Source: CVE-2023-33187