

** DISPUTED ** A certain Postfix 2.10.1-7 package could allow an attacker to send an email from an arbitrary-looking sender via a homoglyph attack, as demonstrated by the similarity of xcexbf to the ‘o’ character. This is potentially relevant when the /etc/postfix/sender_login feature is used, because a spoofed outbound message that uses a configured sender address is blocked with a "Sender address rejected: not logged in" error message, but a spoofed outbound message that uses a homoglyph of a configured sender address is not blocked. NOTE: some third parties argue that any missed blocking of spoofed outbound messages – except for exact matches to a sender address in the /etc/postfix/sender_login file – is outside the design goals of Postfix and thus cannot be considered a Postfix vulnerability.

Source: CVE-2020-12063

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