

u’Buffer overflow while parsing PMF enabled MCBC frames due to frame length being lesser than what is expected while parsing’ in Snapdragon Auto, Snapdragon Compute, Snapdragon Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer Electronics Connectivity, Snapdragon Consumer IOT, Snapdragon Industrial IOT, Snapdragon Mobile, Snapdragon Voice & Music, Snapdragon Wired Infrastructure and Networking in IPQ6018, IPQ8074, Kamorta, Nicobar, QCA6390, QCA8081, QCN7605, QCS404, QCS405, QCS605, Rennell, SA415M, SC7180, SC8180X, SDA845, SDM670, SDM710, SDM845, SDM850, SM6150, SM7150, SM8150, SXR1130

Source: CVE-2020-3668

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